Friday, October 22, 2010

A New Blog Has Entered Into The World

Drawing is a way of life.  Excitement comes from all angles of everyday just have to learn to look for them.  And once you can find the beauty within the mundane simplicity of routine, a surprising new richness enters into one's life.  I have been teaching myself how to come to this point for years and years, and don't ever think I will be done learning.  Afterall, What is more fascinating, inspiring, and exciting than learning more about the world you thought you already knew everything about?  I equivocate the feeling to finding out you won a big prize, riding your first roller coaster, saying "I love you" to your very special partner for the very first time and all 'them butterflies fill your body...that electricity exploding through every nerve within your complex body.  It's a great feeling to be apart of this mega-intense world with all it's natural, evolutionary systems. I'm just enjoying the ride (for better or for worse) and expressing my passion and love for all life within it through something as simple as a drawing, a song, a random sputter of words on a blog, a picture, and anything and everything else that opens up these two eyes a little bit more (or makes me want to close them at night and dream about them). 

I must add that the words throughout this blogger thing 'aint gonna always be pretty.  I may just decide that I'm not in the mood to capitalize my i's some days or lleave that extra L in a never know and i'm downn with that freshnesssss.  ....I doubt anyone will read this thing and I sure as hell 'aint gonna show it to anyone so I guess I can write whatever the hell I feel like writing right now!  muahahah! ok stop it dude, this is getting lame-o now. 

                                                              So don't say that I didn't!

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