Monday, November 8, 2010

Daily Drawings (may 2009 to may 2010) one a day, 365 days.

June 24 (part II) 
...For here we are, one day later when I decided to finish the piece.  I drew my buddy Eric Freedman today but you can see it on yesterday's fold.  Eric now works for Sublime as part of the production team.  He's loving it and his boss is named "Cheese".  Couldn't get better and more mellow than working for Cheese.  I hope it's brie or havarti....sorry I just had to be cheezy!  hah!

June 23 (part I)
And so the next day I decided I'd go back to the park and draw the school in which I go to...and so here it is.  But that wasn't quite enough....
June 22
Ethan came over one day in the summer.  We both like to draw, and so we went to the park across the street from my apartment and drew.  he drew me and I drew him.  an exchange of personal images i suppose.  Fun either way. 
June 21
Father's Day.  That's the dad.  Nigel is his name.  He puts his hand on his face pretty much every time he watches the television.  It's like his signature move.  He's a good dad.  I love him as you may imagine. 

June 19
Drew a house but hadn't enough time to finish that day.  Some days you're lagging.
June 20
My buddy's band played at another friend's birthday show.  Doodled them playing. Thumb print came from the bank.  They've got some ink on the counter so it only makes sense to take a thumb print...right?

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