Saturday, October 23, 2010

May 14. 
In Westchester again (typical) and at Dockweiler beach...or close to it if that info is incorrect.  There's a grassy area near by with lots of palm trees and a pretty good slope to sit on and look at the ocean.  Best part is that cool mist you get from jet fuel trickling down from closely passing airplanes overhead since LAX is DIRECTLY behind this spot.  I bet I could hit a 747 with an apple if I so chose to do something as irresponsible and unpatriotic as that, cause you know, I'm like a total american and all man.  I mentioned earlier that Kasey wouldn't let me draw her front side for over a year...but at least I got the back side to work with (stay clean you sick minded rotting brain children that have too much internet access).  She likes the "pure heart" yerba mate teas (the purple one). she gets 'em at Whole Foods.  Yea that's right.  I'm a trendy bastard who likes good organic food.  Hippie? You're damn right I 'aint.  All man? hell yea!

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