Monday, November 8, 2010

Daily Drawings (may 2009 to may 2010) one a day, 365 days.

 July 10
Cup of tea on the table (PG Tips of course), black sock on the foot, funny pouch thing (that many people insist on calling my murse) and extra key on the hook.  Nothing says home more than this combination.

 July 9
Lisa's pups! Super cute. Super licky.  Very loving and even more so forgiving.  Hollywood on top, Little dog (aka lolly) on bottom.  Woke up to many little presents while living with them and Lisa.  Camp out on the floor?  Good morning poo.  Sleeping on the couch bed?  dog at your feet and a poo on the top.  ha.  A small memory but an instant one from this image.  Fun times.

 July 8
Kasey sleeps on the couch.  The only time she couldn't stop me from drawing her was when she slept.  Too bad she's not more comfortable with the idea.  One day I hope.  She's a beautiful human being and I hope she someday realizes how very beautiful she really is.  One day.

 July 7
At the park, looking upon the humble teeny apartment.  There's a bird. 

July 6
Lisa Huish.  Smoking a cig.  We'd been up a long time, not much sleep for months.  It's as if we would all just fade out after a while.......

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