Monday, November 8, 2010

Daily Drawings (may 2009 to may 2010) one a day, 365 days.

 July 5
Today I had the pleasure in drawing two drawings.  One in the car while driving down the freeway (can you guess which one?) and the other while at Ethan Walker's house off Piyuma Canyon.  Driving drawings are really fun and not as dangerous as one may imagine.  One hand on the wheel and the other on the page, blind contour style.  No need to look down, just out.  the eyes draw and the hand translates.  a difficult  yet beautiful relationship.  Not much different than with a woman come to think of it.  John Taylor sits at a table for fifteen minutes while I get his likeness down (plus extra huge arms).  Shading done afterward.

 July 4
For the holiday we went to see the fireworks up on a huge boulder off Stunt Road.  Love that spot.  Looks right down at Malibu and on to Santa Monica down the way.  John Taylor sits with Eva Green.  Darkness falls along with my right hand. 
 July 3
Sean Stevens at the table with a beer.  He is a good man.  He lets me draw him with the up-most patience.  Giants fan that one is.  Huge fan.  I remember one of his stories about going to Dodger stadium when it was Dodgers vs. Giants and he painted his face orange, wore the full gear, and had a Giant orange went in a state of mind not recognized in the state of California.  Inside joke I suppose.

 July 2
Ethan's House (Walker).  Piyuma Canyon.  Spent much time over there.  Drawing, enjoying the great outdoors, all the greenery; a mellow life to say the least. Only good memories come from that house.

July 1
Drawing and driving again.  Blind contour again.  Shading done once stopped.  Lines done while driving.  Either on the 101 or the 405.  Pretty much the same thing...a desert of concrete expanding thousands of miles, stretching across endless cities. It's almost as if it has no beginning, no ending...nowhere to go.

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